English Grammar: When Should I Use To, Too and Two?

“To,” “too,” and “two” are homophones, which means they sound alike but have different meanings and spellings. Here’s when to use each one:


    • “To” is a preposition that indicates movement or direction toward a place, person, or thing.
    • It is also used as an infinitive marker before a verb to indicate purpose, intention, or action.
    • Examples:
      • We are going to the park.
      • She wants to learn how to play the piano.
      • I gave the book to her.


      • “Too” is an adverb that means also, as well, or excessively.
      • It is used to indicate an excessive degree or an additional item or condition.
      • Examples:
        • She wants to come too.
        • It’s too cold to go outside.
        • He ate too much cake.


      • “Two” is a number that comes after one and before three.
      • It represents the quantity or count of two items.
      • Examples:
        • I have two cats.
        • They bought two tickets to the concert.
        • Two plus two equals four.


      • “To” is used for direction or purpose.
      • “Too” means also or excessively.
      • “Two” represents the number 2.

      By understanding the distinctions between these words, you can use them correctly in writing and speaking to convey your intended meaning effectively.