Let’s Learn the Alphabet

Sure! Here are the names and sounds of the 26 letters of the English alphabet:

  1. Aa:
  • Name: A
  • Sound: /eɪ/ (as in “ate”)
  1. Bb:
  • Name: B
  • Sound: /b/ (as in “bat”)
  1. Cc:
  • Name: C
  • Sound: /s/ (as in “cat” when followed by ‘e’, ‘i’, or ‘y’) or /k/ (as in “cat” when followed by ‘a’, ‘o’, ‘u’, or a consonant)
  1. Dd:
  • Name: D
  • Sound: /d/ (as in “dog”)
  1. Ee:
  • Name: E
  • Sound: /iː/ (as in “eat”)
  1. Ff:
  • Name: F
  • Sound: /f/ (as in “fish”)
  1. Gg:
  • Name: G
  • Sound: /dʒ/ (as in “giraffe” when followed by ‘e’, ‘i’, or ‘y’) or /ɡ/ (as in “goat” when followed by ‘a’, ‘o’, ‘u’, or a consonant)
  1. Hh:
  • Name: H
  • Sound: /h/ (as in “hat”)
  1. Ii:
  • Name: I
  • Sound: /aɪ/ (as in “ice”)
  1. Jj:
    • Name: J
    • Sound: /dʒ/ (as in “jam”)
  2. Kk:
    • Name: K
    • Sound: /k/ (as in “kite”)
  3. Ll:
    • Name: L
    • Sound: /l/ (as in “lion”)
  4. Mm:
    • Name: M
    • Sound: /m/ (as in “mouse”)
  5. Nn:
    • Name: N
    • Sound: /n/ (as in “nest”)
  6. Oo:
    • Name: O
    • Sound: /oʊ/ (as in “open”)
  7. Pp:
    • Name: P
    • Sound: /p/ (as in “pen”)
  8. Qq:
    • Name: Q
    • Sound: /kw/ (as in “queen”)
  9. Rr:
    • Name: R
    • Sound: /r/ (as in “rabbit”)
  10. Ss:
    • Name: S
    • Sound: /s/ (as in “sun”)
  11. Tt:
    • Name: T
    • Sound: /t/ (as in “top”)
  12. Uu:
    • Name: U
    • Sound: /juː/ (as in “unicorn”)
  13. Vv:
    • Name: V
    • Sound: /v/ (as in “vase”)
  14. Ww:
    • Name: W
    • Sound: /w/ (as in “win”)
  15. Xx:
    • Name: X
    • Sound: /ks/ or /ɡz/ (as in “box” or “exam”)
  16. Yy:
    • Name: Y
    • Sound: /waɪ/ (as in “yellow”)
  17. Zz:
    • Name: Z
    • Sound: /z/ (as in “zebra”)

Learning the names and sounds of the alphabet is the foundation of reading and writing in English. Practice recognizing and pronouncing each letter to develop strong literacy skills.